Lila Anne Harris
1926 - ??

Another unknown branch of our family tree. All information has been
reserched from publicly available sources.

Lila Anne Harris was born 1926 in Adelaide. The birth index records her name as Lilie Maud Harris but it appears to have changed to Lila Anne in later years,

1949 Marriage Lila Anne Harris
to Alec Frederick Thomas

Lila Anne Harris married Alec Frederick Thomas in 1949. Alec was born in 1922 and was the son of Richard Henry Thomas and his wife Ethel.
Alec saw active service during WW2 with the Royal Australian Navy as a stoker, His service records are under the name Alick Frederick Thomas and show a wife named Joyce Emily. Their address is shown as 12 Charlton St Exeter, Adelaide but is later changed to Newbon St Nailsworth.
What happened to Joyce is not known and he remarried in 1949.

Chidren of Lila and Alec Frederick Thomas

We can only find details of two children being born to Lila and Alec which where both announced in the Adelaide Advertiser.
Gail Rebecca was born on February 18th 1951 and Ian Richsrd was born August 5th 1952.
Both babies were born at the Glenelg Community Hospital which had just opened in 1950. We presume Lila and Alec lived in or around Glenelg at this time.

We can find nothing more on Lila and Alec after their marriage.

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